Friday, June 1, 2012

2012 Summer Bucket List

  1. Make homemade ice cream
  2. Have a water balloon fight
  3. Pick berries and make jam
  4. Make sun prints
  5. Paint rocks
  6. Make homemade popsicles
  7. Make homemade sidewalk chalk
  8. Cook and eat a fruit pizza for dinner
  9.  Play at the pool
  10.  Picnic at the park
  11.  Feed ducks
  12.  Make crayons
  13.  Pick wildflowers
  14.  Fly a kite
  15.  Paint a bird house
  16.  Make pinecone bird feeders
  17.  Make smores
  18.  Have a squirt bottle water gun fight
  19.  Build a fort
  20.  Go to a movie in the park
  21.  Sharpie dye t-shirts
  22.  Take a trip to the library
  23.  Go to the dollar movies

Whats on yours?

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