We went to Sea World to see Super Why live in concert! She absolutely loved it and i'm so glad we were able to get in. We got to Sea World at 11:30, concert started at 12:45, we were running a little late but still had an hour and the past few times we've gone we always got in early so I wasn't worried. Boy was I wrong. I had to get her a new pass since hers had expired. They had a preschool pass, bring in a birth certificate and 4 and unders(?) get a free season pass. A lot of other people needed to get their passes too. We wait in line for a hour and only get halfway through it. It is now nap time and the concert has started, there was another at 4. Mommy didn't bring enough snacks for an hour plus wait in line, so now Melody is hungry and tired and just a little bit grumpy. The family in front of us had 5 in their family, they were also getting one preschool pass. They decided to wait any longer was just not worth the free pass so they left the line, taking us with them. Sea World was also doing buy one pass get one free so they gave us their extra pass! Thank you kind family!
Mother's day was great. I spent it with my love bug and even tried doing a Katniss braid with her hair and it turned out decently! We didn't do much or anything special but it was still nice. Boy do I love that kid.
Baby girl loves Spider man. Do they make girl styled Spider man pjs and/or Marvel underwear, that's on her wish list.
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