Thursday, January 17, 2013

Snack trays

I first saw this idea on Life Rearranged and thought it was absolutely wonderful! Melody is a snacker, which she gets from me, and she always wants to pick what she snacks on. We end up having tons of fits due to this. I try to only keep good for you things around so she has good things to choose from but we also have "special" snack food; fruit gummies, the rice puff popcorn, animal crackers, and goldfish. And those are always what she picks!

 I figured it was time to change that. So I found our cupcake tray and located 12 different snacks and just filled up each little container. Now I did include some "special" items such as cheetos (her absolute favorite), whole grain cookies, goldfish, and some apple jacks. But I was able to also include veggie sticks, cheese cubes, yogurt bites, and snap pea crisps.

All I had to do then was set it put and tell her those were the snacks for the day and she couldn't have more of one until each section was gone. It worked like a charm! She got to use her independence to pick her own snack, was able to snack when she needed to, and was still able to get some good things in her without much of an argument. Of course she went for the "special" snacks first but when they were gone that was that, no fit what so ever! I hope we can keep this up!

I have also concluded that Mel has the most adorable coloring face. She just concentrates so hard!

What are your favorite snack time snacks?

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